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EXPO 2025 Digital Wallet
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EXPO 2025 Digital Wallet
EXPO2025 Digital Wallet NFT (nicknamed MYAKU-N!) About
EXPO2025 Digital Wallet NFT (nicknamed MYAKU-N!) About
Service Explanation
What is "MYAKU-N!"?
"MYAKU-N!" is there a fee for this service?
How can I get "MYAKU-N!"?
What kind of MYAKU-N! is there to tell us about?
How long will the site be available?
How can I log in?
See all 13 articles
Obtain "MYAKU-N!"
Why can't I press the "Get" button to get the "Status MYAKU-N!"?
The screen display remains unchanged as "WAITING", even though the operation to obtain the Myakun should have been performed.
The "Status MYAKU-N!" that I have won. Can it be canceled?
Create "My Own MYAKU-N!"
What is "My Own MYAKU-N!"?
My MYAKU-N!' has been created, but the display remains unchanged as "PENDING."
Can I cancel a "My MYAKU-N!" created?
What are the reasons why the results of the "My Own MYAKU-N!" review were NG?